Monday, June 10, 2013

Future Plans + Future Giveaways = Hello June!

Image Source: Google image

Hey everyone! How are you guys doing? :) Well it's been awhile and I apologize for that. T'was just 11 days since my last post but seems like forever! I really hate it when I'm busy and I can't seem to find time to blog. :( I think I really need time management. I just need to be strict with my time schedule. Yep! I can do this! *motivating myself with doubt* LOL

Anyway, hello hello JUNE! This may be just another month for you but to some, it's the start of another busy but happy school year! I myself is happy to share that I'm going back to school again after 4 years. :) hmm yeah just don't ask why or what happened because it's a sad story.tehee.. But, I'm just happy now that I'd be able to continue my study and hopefully, everything will be fine. :)

With that being said guys, expect me to be busy in some days (school+work) but I promise I'll try my best to blog as much as I could and of course to update you thru my social media accounts. This year is exciting for me and hopefully in the coming years too! I'm really glad that I get to share it with you guys. Thank you so much for being my followers. Expect to get more informative and interesting posts from my humble blog and of course, everyones favorite - blog giveaways!! :D

Alright, so here are my future plans for my blog:

  • Blog Revamp (on top of my list!)
  • More Skincare tips,Beauty tips and DIY posts
  • More posts for my blog series - So Cosmic for a Mineral Cosmetic
  • More product reviews - Used,Abused & Reviewed (blog series)
  • Consistent Monthly Favourites Post (will try to rename it to "What I've Been Loving Lately) - blog series again!
  • Will try to do a haul post (or a MINI haul post.tehee..)
  • Will try to do a product comparison post
  • Will try to do another blog series/category called Makeup 101 (you'll learn basic makeup with me.Tips,tricks,dos and don'ts!yep!we're learning together guys!) ;D
  • I'm still undecided if I should do a FOTD or OOTD posts as I'm not really comfortable yet in doing that.Maybe sometime in the future. But I'm planning to do NOTD posts soon! Or nail art tutorials maybe? :)
  • And finally, I'll try to post Filipino recipes! (This is something that I've been meaning to do.I love cooking especially eating!lol and I really want to share with you the recipes that I like.I especially love to share Filipino recipes to my international readers) :)

Future Giveaways:

  • Back to School giveaway very soon!
  • Blog Member of the Month - since I started the June in a late post, I plan to move this out to month of July. And hopefully, I'll have 2 winners!
  • More giveaway collaborations with beauty brands (I hope!) 

ugh! So many ideas, so little time!! :(

This is just a quick post to update everyone and to let everyone know that I'm not leaving my blog. LOL. Really, I just want to share my future plans for this blog. I'm starting to love what I do here and I plan to blog for a long long time. I hope you won't get bored with me. ;D

Wish me luck guys! :D Take care! Me loves You!

Filipina Blogger/Beauty Enthusiast
Makeup,Nail Polish & Sheet Mask Hoarder
Proud Pinay!


  1. yay =_) i love reading DIYs =) hugs!

    1. thanks sis! :) you're so supportive talaga..hee..hugs hugs! :) hope to meet you someday..hehe


All comments are welcome! I love reading what you have to say so please feel free to leave a comment. ;) Thanks for visiting everyone!Take care! :)
