Saturday, June 29, 2013

What to Expect When You're Expecting: Google Update this coming Monday (July 1,2013)

Hey everyone! Sorry for being MIA this past few days (or week?I think). Been busy with blah..I know I know.Another excuse from me. Apologies everyone. I'm a just bad blogger. :( But no worries! I've been organizing & planning things, so I think next week I'll be able to get back on track with beauty related posts and any random thoughts as well.

Speaking of random thoughts, here's one that I don't want to miss sharing.

After Google Panda and Google Penguin update, what's next?

Yes guys, another Google update. Rumors about this one has been going on for months (or last year) until last few months, the rumor is confirmed to be true by many bloggers and the Google people themselves. I was a bit sad not for myself at least, but for those who were greatly affected by the last Google update or what many refer to as the "Google Panda slap". I think some are still recovering from it. And then right after that, a Google Penguin update happened. But it only left a minor damage.

Then again, the Google announcement about the update doesn't end there. It's rumored also that they are shutting down Google reader. I've read bloggers complaining about it. Until last March, it is again confirmed. It's going to be a "bye-bye" for Google Reader.Some have even created a website to do a campaign for saving the Google reader. (link is not working anymore so I'm guessing Google asked to shut it down)..Darn! I was really affected and SAD. Yes. Sad is the word.

Google reader is just the easiest way for me to be connected with the blogs I follow and it's one easy way for my readers to get updated on my blog as well. It's just where the community begins. I can't even imagine  missing out some posts from my favorite bloggers. It's just not the same. *sigh* I've known all this for awhile and I know this day would come (after the announcement) but I still can't get over it.Not totally.

Everyone is assuming that Google wants us to move to Google+ that's why they're taking out Google Reader. It's not cool Google.Not cool! Google plus is different from Google reader. Google plus is more like  a Twitter or Facebook. Google+ aren't exclusively feed updates and I want to choose what appears on my feed. Google+ can't do that for me.No it can't.My options? Go to another platform like Bloglovin,Networked Blogs' or Feedly. (Still not happy about it.It's just not the same). Plus, RSS feeds is dead.So you see, you don't have other options here really.

Another thing, Google Talk is about to replace with Google Hangout. Between the two, I find Google Talk better.

Apparently, Google seem to be forcing Google+ down our throat and I'm just scared to get hooked on it. What if one day they will decide to take it out again? It would be heartbreaking. *sob*

On a brighter side, there's a rumor that Facebook folks are making something like the Google Reader. Well, let's just cross our fingers! :)

So for now......all we can say is:

RIP Google Reader :(
October 7,2005 - July 1,2013

Oh wait! We still have 1 day left. Let's just wait and see.Maybe Google will change their mind? :D LOL.

Connect with me through:

Filipina Blogger/Beauty Enthusiast
Makeup,Nail Polish & Sheet Mask Hoarder
Proud Pinay!


  1. I don't know about you, but I am really preferring Bloglovin. I really like that I can organize the blogs into groups!

    1. oh yeah!i definitely missed that part..i'm still not used to Bloglovin' but I think I'd prefer to use it now too especially with Google reader gone. :) thanks Mei! :)

    2. just got an email from bloglovin regarding this.. just want to ask, ano ba in specific yung google reader? is it the GFC or blog itself? kasi I really dont want to loose all my blog posts if ever. :(thanks for the info!

    3. Agree, Bloglovin allows you do import the blogs you're reading directly from Google, super easy to do. But it's just not the same, you know, when you open your Blogger Draft kasi naka integrate na yung blog list mo, unlike with other platforms na you need to open another window/page pa. Hassle, pero I'll settle for that in the meantime =)

    4. @Clarisse: sis yung google reader, yan yung mismo makikita mo feeds sa homepage ng blogger mo.yung madali mo makita new posts ng mga blog na pina'follow can't see the feeds na after they will take it down :( mawawala rin ang GFC.but not the whole blog..they would never do that.laki pera kaya nakukuha nila sa blogging.hehe

      @Rattus: oo nga dear :( pra sakin mejo hassle talaga..mas okay yung pgnag-open ako sa blog ko pwd rin ako makakita ng new posts ng ibang blogger.tsk2..kainis!

  2. Great post, and it's sad to hear that google reader is leaving! Blogloving IS easy, though, so it's great and not a hassle to move to there. ^_^

    Would you like to follow each other on Bloglovin? Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

    1. thanks dear! :) i'm still not used to 'blogloving' but i'm sure i'll get the hang of it. ;) although, i'm not really sure now if Google decided to shutdown Google reader and GFC permanently because it's already july 2 and I can still see and use both..but we'll see :)

      -sure dear.will follow you!Take care! :)

  3. Nice blog!!! would you like to follow each other with GFC and Bloglovin?
    Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥

    1. sure dear :) and thanks for visiting my blog! ;)

    2. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I follow you with GFC and Bloglovin!
      and I added you by g+ too! I'm very happy if you do the same.
      Have a nice day!!!:)))

  4. I've been hearing about Google reader for over a year, this is why I moved my base blog on G+. And I do use Blogloving. So if you want we can follow each other:-)
    hugs from New York,
    Ask Erena

    1. thanks Erana! :) followed you already!Take care! ;)


All comments are welcome! I love reading what you have to say so please feel free to leave a comment. ;) Thanks for visiting everyone!Take care! :)
