Sunday, June 23, 2013

Used Abused & Reviewed: Moringa O2 Malunggay Herbal Moisturizing Lotion

Here's another review for you guys! ;) This time, I'll be sharing my experience on one of the items in my last Sample Room Loot! :)

Introducing, Moringa O2 Malunggay Herbal Moisturizing Lotion!

As I have mentioned on my Sample Room Loot #4 post, I'm a sucker for lotions! So when I saw this on Sample Room, I immediately added it into my cart. Plus it's an organic/natural product! I wouldn't really pass on this one.

I have been using Moringa O2 Malunggay Herbal Moisturizing Lotion for almost a month now and I'm half way done with it. Uhm half way? Alright, you may be wondering right now why a lotion sucker like me is still half way done with only a 125ml product but wait! Let me finish first. uh oh!

Let me start with, I like this lotion. Really. :) It does moisturizes skin and it's fast absorbing. Not to mention, it has a pleasant smell..that of an herbal kind of smell mixed with green tea and citrus-y scent. I just wish the smell could've stayed longer but it didn't. But it's a no surprise to any lotions. It's non-greasy nor sticky when you sweat which is one thing that I'm looking for in a lotion. It has the great benefits of a moringa or malunggay and it's made with almost all natural ingredients.

With all that "good" points, there's still a bad point. I guess you could say that in all products. So the one thing I noticed in this lotion is that after 5-6 hours of application, my skin tends to get dry. Wait what? Okay, let me say it again, my skin felt dry 5-6 hours prior to applying this lotion. Awww :( That means it doesn't last that long in giving moisture/hydration to my skin. Being active the whole day, I need a lotion that keeps me hydrated at least 8-10 hours. In short, this did not survived. So yeah, I only use this once in awhile, it's not really my everyday lotion.

And oh, as for the "whitening effect", I didn't notice any changes. I think 4 weeks is not enough to whiten skin especially with lotions. This one is not an exemption.

 Photos & Swatches:

The Benefits!


Expiration Date found at the bottom.

The lotion has a cream like consistency. It's actually thinner than usual lotions.

As you can see, the lotion is in between "regular" lotion consistency and watery-creamy like consistency. I hope this makes sense.LOL



Moisturizes skinAbsorbs quickly
Non-greasy nor sticky
Has a pleasant-refreshing smell
Has many skin benefits
The packaging is sleek and travel friendly


Doesn't hold it's moisture for longer hours (stayed only 5-6 hours)
The smell didn't last long (which is considerable)
Whitening effect takes time

Do I recommend it?

Yes! I think it's still a good quality lotion especially that it has the great benefits of Moringa, Olive Oil and Omega.



How much?

125ml costs P129.75 

Where to buy?

You can check out their Facebook page for more details. Will list down links at the end of this post.

Final thoughts:

Moringa O2 is a good local brand. You should definitely check out their products. I've heard positive feedback on their toner and I hope I could try it out. I'm now using their soap and it's really nice and smells sooooo refreshing! Will do a product review on that soon. ;D

I'd give it a:

Packaging: 5/5Effectiveness: 4/5Texture: 4.5/5Moisture: 4/5Product(overall experience): 4/5

Special thanks to Sample Room and Moringa O2 for this full-sized product! :)


This is my two cents, of course, it may be different on you. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. :)

Thanks for reading everyone! Take care!

Filipina Blogger/Beauty Enthusiast
Makeup,Nail Polish & Sheet Mask Hoarder
Proud Pinay!


  1. Wonderful post...I really like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. thanks dear! :) would love to follow you..i'm checking out your blog now! ;) take care!

  2. oh i didn't know it has whitening effect nalungkot naman ako :( it may sound weird but i'm trying to get tanner. thanks for sharing this cj :)

    1. aw mas bet mo pala mgpatan sis.hehe..mas okay naman talaga kapag tan.natural color ng mga pinoy :) kaya lang you know na, minsan okay pag-iba..pag medyo puti.LOL.thanks for visiting sis :) God bless!

  3. I love that it is not sticky! Great review! :)

    BTW, my having my first ever giveaway. :)

    1. thanks Gellie! :) will check out your blog! ;) take care!

  4. thanks for inviting me! :) take care! ;)

  5. Thanks Yania! :) Will visit your blog.Take care! ;)

  6. ive been contemplating on buying this lotion but after reading your review, i think ill pass on it for now. hehe. im also a sucker for lotion and seeing the cons that you mentioned made me changed my mind . great review btw.

    p.s. follow you now ;)

    1. thanks for following sis and for visiting my blog! :) yeah it really seemed disappointing that the moisturizing effect didn't hold that much.i still love this lotion thought but i only use it when i'm at home..doesn't need extra moisturizing kasi.hehe


All comments are welcome! I love reading what you have to say so please feel free to leave a comment. ;) Thanks for visiting everyone!Take care! :)
